English 日本語

Institut Pasteur du Japon

Institut Pasteur du Japon (IPJ) is a Japanese institute supported by the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) and the French Government. IPJ aims to become a world leader in research, education, and innovation focusing on health, reinforcing academic-public-private partnerships through dialogues with French and international partners.


  • Session Report: Pasteur English Immersion Club (PEIC), Prof. Tineke Cantaert
    On August 28th, 2024, the Pasteur English Immersion Club (PEIC) hosted Dr. Tineke Cantaert, the head of the Immunology Unit at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge. During the session, Dr. Cantaert presented her study on how human skin responds to mosquito bites from the Aedes aegypti species, known for transmitting viruses like dengue and Zika. Her…
  • Session Report: Pasteur English Immersion Club (PEIC), Prof. Ponpan M. Choopong
    On July 31st, 2024, the Pasteur English Immersion Club (PEIC) welcomed Professor Ponpan M. Choopong, an associate professor at Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science of Mahidol University. Professor Choopong made a presentation about “Host Single-cell Immune Profile in Response to Dengue Virus Across Time and Severity”. Dengue fever is found in tropical and subtropical…
  • Funding Opportunity: EURÊKA Foundation PhD Project Proposal
    The EURÊKA Foundation is the non profit foundation of ARCHIMED, an independent investment firm specialized in the healthcare industries. The mission of the Foundation is to help vulnerable people affected by physical and mental health disorders and support research programs on unmet medical needs as well as new treatments.  Our partners at the EURÊKA Foundation…
  • Pasteur Japan Scientific Workshop
    On June 24th, 2024, The Pasteur Japan Scientific Workshop was held at The Atrium of the French Embassy in Tokyo. The objective of the workshop was to discuss the scientific direction and strategy of the Institut Pasteur du Japon with Japanese scientists. The event featured a comprehensive program with leading experts in immunology, vaccine design,…
  • Establishment of the Institut Pasteur du Japon
    Fondation Pasteur Japon is pleased to announce its reestablishment as the Institut Pasteur du Japon (IPJ). IPJ will advance fundamental research through newly established Pasteur Joint International Units (PIUs) at the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, and Kumamoto University; they will also conduct public health research in…