English 日本語

The 2nd France-Japan symposium on HIV/AIDS and infectious disease basic research

November 4 (Fri) 9:00 AM –
November 6 (Sun) 5:00 PM,

The 2nd France-Japan symposium on HIV/AIDS and infectious disease basic research
– A special event associated with the 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for AIDS Research-

November 4th and 6th 2022
Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa

We are pleased to announce that a symposium on HIV/AIDS and viral infections by French and Japanese basic researchers will be held in-person as a special event of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for AIDS Research, which was held in a hybrid format during November 21 to 23, 2021. Please find further details regarding the event here (Japanese). Register to the event here (Japanese).


Day 1: November 4th
9:00 – 9:15 Opening remarks: Victor Appay, Tetsuro Matano

Session 1 – Viral replication
9:20 – 9:45 Title: Genotype to phenotype Japan (G2P-Japan) consortium-based collaboration to elucidate the virological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 variants
Akatsuki Saito, Miyazaki University

9:45 – 10:10 Title: Imaging approaches to study viral replication
Christophe Zimmer, Institut Pasteur, Paris

10:10 – 10:35 Title: Hepatitis B virus entry and its application to drug development
Koichi Watashi, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

10:35 – 11:00 Title: An academic journey to discover novel HBV/HDV therapeutics
David Durantel, INSERM – Lyon University

Session 2 – Virus/host interaction
11:20 – 11:45 Title: Association of HLA-DPB1 genotype and HBV amino acids in HBV-derived HCC
Masaya Sugiyama, National Center for Global Health and Medicine

11:45 – 12:10 Title: to be confirmed
Etienne Simon-Loriere, Institut Pasteur, Paris

13:30 – 13:55 Title: Dynamics of dendritic cell subsets in SIV/HIV infection
Benoit Favier, CEA – Paris Saclay University

13:55 – 14:20 Title: Monocyte compartment in HIV-1 infection
Naofumi Takahashi, Kumamoto University

14:20 – 14:45 Title: Insights into the immune mechanisms associated with post-treatment control
Asier Saez Cirion, Institut Pasteur, Paris

Session 3 – Innate response
15:05– 15:30 Title: Interferon-inducible protein Galectin-9 restricts hepatitis B virus replication through the selective autophagy
Kei Miyakawa, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

15:30 – 15:55 Title: Detection of viruses by innate sensors in the nucleus
Nicolas Manel, Institut Curie, Paris

15:55 – 16:20 Title: Y RNAs Lead a Conserved Endogenous Program of RIG-I Agonism upon RNA virus Infections that is Targeted by HIV
Anastasia Komarova, Institut Pasteur, Paris

16:20 – 16:45 Title: Enhancement of Vif CD8+ T-cell epitope presentation by Vif-APOBEC3G interaction
Sayuri Seki, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

Day 2: November 5th

Session 4 – Adaptive response
9:00 – 9:25 Title: Identification and characterization of HLA-C-restricted immunodominant epitopes using an immunopeptidomics approach
Takayuki Chikata, Kumamoto University

9:25 – 9:50 Title: Characterization of follicular CD8 T cells in SIV-infected cynomolgus monkeys under cART
Takuya Yamamoto, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition

9:50 – 10:15 Title: Evidence of rejuvenated HIV-1 specific CD8 T cells after 30 years of infection
Victor Appay, INSERM – Bordeaux University

10:35 – 11:00 Title: T cell immunology in viral infection based on TCR repertoire analysis
Ai Kawana-Tachikawa, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

11:00 – 11:25 Title: Antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants
Saya Moriyama, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

11:25 – 11:50 Title: Immunosignaling signature of SIV-specific neutralizing antibody induction
Hiroyuki Yamamoto, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

Session 5 – Integration and latency
13:30 – 13:55 Title: Identification of host factors regulating HIV-1 latency and their potential therapeutic targets in HIV-1 latency reversal
Hiroaki Takeuchi, Tokyo Medical Dental University

13:55 – 14:20 Title: Cellular and anatomical viral reservoirs in SIV-infected macaques
Jerome Estaquier, INSERM – Paris Cité University

14:20 – 14:45 Title: Identification and Molecular Characterization of a Novel HTLV-1 Silencer
Misaki Matsuo, Kumamoto University

Session 6 – Towards vaccines
15:05 – 15:30 Title: Modulation and training of innate responses by vaccines, insights from non-human primate studies + update
Anne Sophie Beignon, CEA – Paris Saclay University

15:30 – 15:55 Title: Anti-Env antibody induction by vaccination can result in protection against HTLV-1 challenge in cynomolgus macaques
Hiroshi Ishii, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

15:55 – 16:20 Title: Therapeutic vaccines to modulate and boost HIV-1 specific T-cell responses
Nabila Seddiki, CEA – Paris Saclay University

Entertainment & Closing remarks

16:30 – 16:50 Entertainment

16:50 – 17:00 Closing remarks: Masafumi Takiguchi

Scientific and Organizing Committee
Ai Kawana-Tachikawa, Victor Appay, Masafumi Takiguchi, and Tetsuro Matano