English 日本語

Crowdfunding for a Franco-Japan joint research fund to build a patient database to tackle “Long COVID”

We have partnered with Kyoto University, the Embassy of France to Japan, and Institut Pasteur to crowdfund a Franco-Japan joint research fund to build a patient database. 

This is a follow-up to the first crowdfunding we embarked on in 2020, which aimed to establish a cutting-edge antibody measurement platform for serological and immunological analysis of COVID-19. As we gradually emerge from the prolonged COVID-19 crisis, it’s crucial to address the lingering effects of the virus, particularly the phenomenon known as “Long COVID.” Reports indicate that a substantial portion of individuals continue to experience debilitating symptoms even after recovering from the infection. To confront this pressing medical challenge, we are striving to elucidate the causes of Long COVID and develop effective treatments through a collaborative research effort between Kyoto University and the Institut Pasteur.

With just one month remaining in our crowdfunding campaign, we invite you to join us in this vital initiative. Your support will enable us to integrate collected data, establish a secure research database, and advance our understanding of Long COVID. Together, we can make significant strides towards alleviating the suffering of millions worldwide and preparing for future pandemics.

Please check the link below if you are interested in donating:


Thank you for your continued support and generosity.