English 日本語

Institut Pasteur Japan (IPJ) is mentioned in the new Roadmap on Japan-France Cooperation

On December 2, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida had a telephone meeting with President Emmanuel Macron. On this occasion, two leaders issued the roadmap on Japan-France cooperation under the “Exceptional Partnership”. The roadmap will guide the Japan-France cooperation over the next five years.

The roadmap mentioned Institute Pasteur Japan (IPJ) as below:

Bilateral cooperation in the Health sector

Japan and France welcome the signing of a letter of intent between the University of Tokyo and Institut Pasteur (Paris) on the establishment of the Institut Pasteur Japan (IPJ) in October 2023. Both countries welcome discussions on the possibility of establishing a Japan-France campus focused on health research and innovation in collaboration with IPJ, which could have an impact at the regional level.


https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/files/100590070.pdf (Japanese)