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Virology Insights and Connections: Highlights from the 29th TFPV and 70th Annual JSV meetings in Sendai

I attended the 29th Toga-, Flavi-, Pestivirus meeting (TFPV meeting) on Sep 25th and the 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology (JSV) on the 26-28th in Sendai, Miyagi, with great support from Foundation of Pasteur Japan. 

The TFPV meeting is small, with around 60 attendees, and focuses on Toga-, Flavi-, and Pestivirus research. More importantly, it encourages students to present their studies even if they only have preliminary data. The benefit of a small meeting is that you can easily communicate with other researchers. I found some new people working in the related field and I hope we can collaborate in the future.

Regarding the JSV meeting, this is the first one without any strict regulations against COVID-19. There were more than 500 research presentations. All the presenters shared their research with posters even though they were selected for oral presentations to encourage in-person discussion. This idea worked very well. Another good side of this meeting was that there were plant, fungi, and insect virus sessions. Most attendees in the JSV meeting worked on viruses related to human diseases but also tried to include researchers working on plant, fungi, or insect viruses as well. We should keep up the effort to make Japanese virology more diverse and inclusive.

The main hall of the 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology.

I also enjoyed seeing former labmates, collaborators, and friends in virology. These interactions allowed us to exchange tons of information that did not appear in the presentations. In Japanese research activities, these indirect work activities are underestimated although everyone knows it is critical for research activities and career development. I really felt the importance of this in-person communication through the meetings. 

Thank you for the travel support FPJ, I truly appreciate it!


A former labmate (left) and me (right).